Pyramid E&C, India obtains Achilles Certification

After working for several years in Europe, Pyramid E&C applied into Achilles / FPAL Joint Qualification System used by several energy asset owners in UK and Scandinavia for supplier due diligence. Achilles / FPAL places strong emphasis to Management Systems, Information security and business continuity of the supplier organisation in which Pyramid E&C fared with ease and success.

The Achilles JQS community, created in 1991, provides operators, main contractors and suppliers with an industry accepted procurement service that streamlines procurement, manages risk and enables compliance with the relevant EU procurement directives. Achilles has a controlling interest in FPAL.
Pyramid E&C group, founded in 1995, is a global hydrocarbon processing solution provider comprising of research, engineering, automation, digitalization, manufacturing and construction firms. The Group specializes in Oil & Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas Reforming and Bio Chemicals where it supplies sustainable, low carbon impact, blue and green processing solutions

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