
Pyramid E&C offers standardized turn-key modular solutions for the production of Hydrogen gaseous and light hydrocarbon feedstock. Our process is based on the steam methane reforming of hydrocarbons. Our standard Hydrogen solutions come in the following sizes:

We also offer custom plant sizes from large industrial scale plants to smaller lab/pilot scale facilities.

Hydrogen Flow Chart

Gas Treatment and Compression

Natural gas is treated to remove hydrocarbon liquids, water and acid gases and then preheated in the waste heat recovery section of the reformer. After preheating, the gas is fed to hydrogenator where the organic sulfur compounds are converted into H2S which is removed by adsorption of it on solid bed scavenger. The clean gas is compresser and sent to Reformer.


CH4+H2O -> CO+3H2
CH4+2H2O -> CO2+4H2

Treated gas is passed though pre-reformer where it is blended with Steam before entering into proprietary compact steam methane reformer. In the reformer, conversion of gas and steam mixture into hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide takes place over the catalyst. Product gas from the reformer is cooled by steam generation before entering into the shift converter.

Shift Conversion


The cooled gas from the reformer is sent over the shift catalyst to lower the concentration of carbon monoxide in the gas and increase the yield of hydrogen. The Water Gas Shift (WGS) reactor converts carbon monoxide and steam to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The gas from shift converter is cooled further to ambient temperature before entering the PSA unit

Hydrogen Purification

High purity hydrogen product is obtained in Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Unit. At high pressures, the off gases are adsorbed and pure H2is obtained in main gas stream. Off-gases are released during low pressure cycle and used in the reformer as fuel supplement with natural gas.

Pyramid E&C also supplies factory assembled, containerized units to produce 100/ 500/ 1000 Nm3/hr. Hydrogen, Learn More


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