Houston Innovation Centre

Pyramid E&C completed the land acquisition at Eldridge Parkway in the Energy Corridor for the proposed Innovation Center. Overlooking Buffalo bayou, Kendall library and Terry Hershey park, the center is ideal for fresh ideas, clear thinking and collaboration of best minds.

The facility covers about 25000 sq. ft., and houses Engineering, FAT and aftersales support facilities for SPHINX® range of conventional Oil & Gas process packages as well as demonstration facilities for Blue and Green Hydrogen. Methanol and Ammonia prototypes.

Houston Innovation Centre
Pyramid E&C group, founded in 1995, is a global hydrocarbon processing solution provider comprising of research, engineering, automation, digitalization, manufacturing and construction firms. The Group specializes in Oil & Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas Reforming and Bio Chemicals where it supplies sustainable, low carbon impact, blue and green processing solutions

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