Gasoline Refineries
Pyramid E&C builds plants for processing Naphtha to produce Gasoline for automotive usage. These plants, also termed as Hydro-Skimming Units, can be added downstream of the Topping Unit to consume Naphtha stream for production of Gasoline.
- Fired Heater
- Distillation Column
- Naphtha Hydrotreater
- Light Ends Processing
- Flare System / SRU
- Hydrogen Purification Unit
- Diesel Generator Set
- Chemical Injection System
- Truck Loading Terminal
- Desalter System
- Debutanizer
- Isomerization Unit
- Naphtha Splitter
- Reformer
- Pumps
- Fuel Oil System
- Steam Boiler
- Storage Tanks
Process Description
The building blocks of the Naphtha Treatment line include Hydrotreaters, Naphtha Splitter, Reformer and Isomerization Units. The yields and the treatment required depend on the properties of the Crude Oil and Product Specification. The Reformer also yields Hydrogen, which is utilized in Hydrotreating Gasoline to avoid catalyst poisoning in downstream units. The plants can be supplied complete with utilities including Hydrogen Purification and Sulphur Recovery Units.
Crude Oil is treated in a Topping Unit, which yields Naphtha, Kerosene, Diesel and Fuel Oil as products. Amongst these, the Naphtha stream is utilized for production of Gasoline. The wide Naphtha cut is fed into Debutanizer to separate LPG from Naphtha. Naphtha is then Hydrotreated using a catalytic process to remove Sulphur and fed into Naphtha Splitter to separate Light and Heavy Naphtha.
The Light Naphtha is processed in an Isomerization Unit to increase its octane number prior to blending into the Gasoline Pool. The Heavy Naphtha is processed in a Reformer, which creates aromatic rings to increase octane number and liberates Hydrogen. The Reformer is a fixed-bed, semi-regen type catalyst system. The Hydrogen is purified in a Pressure Swing Absorption Unit and used for Hydrotreating Naphtha. Produced gasoline goes to Gasoline Storage Tank.
The Light Ends Processing System fractionates butane for use in Gasoline Blending, or Propane and Butane for product LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) which is stored in Mounded Bullets.
The Kerosene side stream goes to Kerosene Storage Tank, while Diesel product goes to Diesel Storage. Depending on the viscosity, Reduced Crude can be used as Fuel Oil directly. Alternatively, Kerosene or Diesel can be blended with the Reduced Crude to produce Fuel Oil.