Pyramid E&C offers compact, modular solutions to monetize flared or stranded natural gas into Syngas and thereafter into the blue versions of Hydrogen, Methanol or Ammonia by latest generation Catalytic conversion and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) processes. Syn Gas is reformed using proprietary NICR® technology, which uses electricity to power the endothermic reaction hence eliminating open flame, associated hazards, and pollution at the installation. All the plants are containerized to prevent rust and damages during shipment.
The hydrogen, methanol and ammonia plants supplied by Pyramid E&C comprise of containerized units which can be readily installed, commissioned, and operated. The plants are performance tested at our manufacturing facilities before shipping.
Pyramid E&C offers stick built as well as Hydrogen plants using natural gas as feedstocks. The plant comprises of following major equipment:
Gas Treatment and Compression system
Compact Steam Methane Reformer
Shift Converter
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) unit
Natural gas is treated to remove hydrocarbon liquids, water and acid gases and then preheated in the waste heat recovery section of the reformer. After preheating, the gas is fed to hydrogenator where the organic sulfur compounds are converted into H2S which is removed by adsorption of it on solid bed scavenger. The clean gas is compresser and sent to Reformer.
CH4+H2O -> CO+3H2
CH4+2H2O -> CO2+4H2
Treated gas is passed though pre-reformer where it is blended with Steam before entering into proprietary compact steam methane reformer. In the reformer, conversion of gas and steam mixture into hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide takes place over the catalyst. Product gas from the reformer is cooled by steam generation before entering into the shift converter.
The cooled gas from the reformer is sent over the shift catalyst to lower the concentration of carbon monoxide in the gas and increase the yield of hydrogen. The Water Gas Shift (WGS) reactor converts carbon monoxide and steam to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The gas from shift converter is cooled further to ambient temperature before entering the PSA unit.
High purity hydrogen product is obtained in Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Unit. At high pressures, the off gases are adsorbed and pure H2 is obtained in main gas stream. Off-gases are released during low pressure cycle and used in the reformer as fuel supplement with natural gas.
Pyramid E&C also supplies factory assembled, containerized units to produce 100/ 500/ 1000 Nm3/hr. Hydrogen,
Pyramid E&C offers cost-effective, modular methanol production units using our proprietary compact Steam Methane Reformers. The process scheme consists of following sections:
Gas Treatment and Compression
Methanol Synthesis
Methanol Purification
Feed gas is compressed and treated to remove natural gas liquids, water and acid gases. Hydrogenator and Sulfur removal beds are used to remove traces of sulfur prior to reforming. The Hydrogen rich gas recycled from Methanol synthesis loop is used for hydrogenation of sulfur compounds.
The two-step reforming process features a combination of tubular reforming (primary reforming) followed by oxygen-fired adiabatic reforming (secondary reforming). This technology can be used for large and small-scale plants and offers several advantages compared to conventional steam reforming indicated below:
CO, CO2, and H2 are produced are in the required stoichiometric ratio, thus minimizing feed consumption.
Syngas generation pressure is relatively higher (about 40 bar) thereby reducing the energy requirement for make-up gas compression (single stage compressor).
Steam Reformer load is substantially reduced. Consequently, smaller sized reformer and lower quantity of fuel are required which further reduces the required size of associated equipment in the flue gas duct area.
The methanol synthesis step involves conversion of synthesis gas into raw methanol, a mixture of methanol, small amount of water, dissolved gases and traces of by-products (DME, higher alcohols, other oxygenates and minor amounts of acids and aldehydes). The methanol synthesis catalyst and process are highly selective in nature. The conversion of hydrogen and carbon oxides to methanol is described by the following reactions:
CO2 + 3H2 → CH3OH + H2O
CO + 2H2 → CH3OH
Distillation as well as Molecular Sieve options are available for purification of Methanol
Pyramid E&C also supplies factory assembled containerized units for production 25/ 50/ 100 TPD Methanol,
Pyramid E&C offers cost-effective, modular Ammonia production units using our proprietary compact Reformers. The plant comprises of following sections:
Gas Treatment and Compression
Shift Conversion
Ammonia Synthesis
Methanol Purification
The steam reforming process is carried out in the proprietary Electric Reformer (NICR®) using electrically heated tubes filled with Nickle catalyst pellets. An Air separation plant is used for providing oxygen required for partial oxidation of natural gas and nitrogen for ammonia synthesis converter. The hot syngas from the reformer is cooled in a waste heat recovery boiler before entering the shift converter.
The cooled syngas from the reformer is directed over the shift catalyst to lower the concentration of carbon monoxide in syngas and increase the yield of hydrogen. The gases from shift converter are cooled before entering the purification unit.
A Pressure Swing Adsorption unit is employed to separate hydrogen from syngas. The off gases from the PSA unit are consumed in a catalytic converter to heat incoming natural gas stream.
The purified hydrogen is mixed with nitrogen in desired proportion, compressed and fed to ammonia synthesis reactor consisting of two stage fixed beds with intermediate cooling. The product gas from the synthesis converter is cooled by incoming natural gas and condensed to get liquid ammonia.
Pyramid E&C also supplies factory assembled containerized units for 25/ 50/ 100 TPD Ammonia production
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